These are all the books publishers want you reading this summer.

The Knockoff By Lucy Sykes And Jo Piazza.                                            $25.95.

Finders Keepers By Stephen King                                                             $30.

Look Who’s Back By Timur Vermes.                                                          $25.99.

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed By Jon Ronson                                $27.95.

Terms Of Service  By Jacob Silverman                                                     $33.50.

The Last Love Song: By Tracy Daugherty.                                              $35.

The Ingenious Mr. Pyke By Henry Hemming.                                       $26.99.

The Wright Brothers By David Mccullough                                            $30.

Disclaimer By Renée Knight.                                                                         $25.99.

The Royal We By Heather Cocks                                                                $26.

Oh! You Pretty Things By Shanna Mahin.                                              $26.95.

Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life By William Finnegan                          $27.95.

Orient By Christopher Bollen.                                                                     $26.99.

The Cartel By Don Winslow.                                                                        $27.95

Your Band Sucks By Jon Fine.                                                              $27.95.

Sick In The Head By Judd Apatow.                                                            $27.

The Marriage Book By Lisa Grunwald And Stephen Adler.              $35.

My book:

She Speak Neon, by E. Mitchel Brown                                                  99 cents

(also all my books together don’t add up to one of these cash grabs)

She Speak Neon, 99¢

Drumming up some sales on She Speak Neon. If you’ve ever wanted to check it out, now’s the chance (though I’ve always priced it cheap). It’s 211 very quickly readable pages on love and life and psychology and sex. I’m beginning to realize the novel sits in a genre not exactly well defined at the moment. But that could always change. It’s tinged with erotica, thriller, and psychiatry, and dominated by relationships, marriage, and a chamber structure (if those could be defined as genres).

I’ve always loved stories about two people inside a room, led there by invisible forces, and simply trying to figure things out. Hope you give it a shot.


She Speak Neon, Book 1, Speech Patterns

Now 99¢.

She Speak Neon meets Esther Perel

Infidelity is a window into the complex landscape of relationships and the lines we draw to bind them.
At TED 2015, Esther Perel – author of the indispensable Mating in Captivity– calls for a new way to think about relationships and infidelity.


Releasing my book today. It’s not a statement book. It’s not a book about hard women. It’s just a book about these women, some living inside their own space, some driven to the place inside their heads. Feels good to finally free it into the real word. Fly little book. Fly high.




More info and summary
